Web Related Services
“Online marketing should be strategic to be effective”
Your Website
Assess your current website comparing it to your top ranking competitors. What’s lacking, causing your visitors to turn away? Read more about having an attractive and functional website…
Your Content
The content you provide helps visitors understand who you are and how your business can help them with their needs. This is called inbound marketing which is the process of using content to draw fresh leads to your business. Its purpose is to draw potential clients in and through the sales funnel.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one part of Search Engine Marketing and is of ultimate importance in marketing online. It is more than just important to be in the top 10 listings of a search engine, It’s imperative.
According to statistics, 95% of web users will miss your business if you do not have the proper visibility! That means only 5% of web users will see your business appear in their web results. As a direct result of this deficiency, business meant for you, could go to your competitor!!!
When your website is filled with interesting, relevant content for your market, you’ll be able to start building relationships drawing your target audience to your site.
Business Relationships
No matter what business you’re in, building relationships through word of mouth is incredibly important for obtaining new clients. Thought Leadership, Social media Marketing, and e-Mail marketing are three of the best relationship building tools you can use.
These tools are not just about building relationships; sharing your expertise through Relationship Marketing works with SEO to build traffic to your website. By updating your website with news articles and links to Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites you’ll draw a larger audience to your online presence.
Thought Leadership Marketing
A thought leader is an individual or business that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded. Thought leaders are commonly asked to speak at public events, conferences or webinars to share their insight with a relevant audience.
Social Media Marketing
By providing useful content on your website, you drive people there to download these resources. Once prospects are driven to your website; you have an opportunity to harvest contacts. This will help push them further through the sales funnel.
e-Mail Marketing
When you want to communicate something to your clients, e-mail marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so. Each month, you can use e-mail marketing in conjunction with social media, SEO and your website to integrate all four into a marketing campaign.
Network Support Services
“A trouble free computer network helps you grow your business”
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