Business Relationships

Relationship Marketing

Word of mouth is incredibly important for obtaining new clients. Social media marketing and thought leadership marketing are two of the best relationship building tools you can use. These tools are not just about building relationships; though that is their primary use. Sharing your expertise through social media also works with SEO, to draw traffic to your website. Updating your website with new articles, blogs, news articles and sharing your content on syndication sites such as Linked-in, Facebook Business, Tumblr, YouTube and other syndication platforms, you’ll start to draw awareness by your prospects..

“Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing brands the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers.”  Bryan Weiner, CEO at Digital Agency 360i

10 Advantages of Using Social Media

  1. You build brand awareness – people do business with who they know, like and trust.
  2. You show your expertise by sharing information of importance about your industry or updates about your business.
  3. YouTube is a great way to highlight your products or services, perhaps with an interview or a TED talk you might have done.
  4. You can manage your reputation.
  5. You gain new clients.
  6. You draw more people to your website.
  7. You have a platform for advertising/marketing in addition to your website.
  8. You can gain information about what your competitors are doing.
  9. Potential to improve your ROI over the long run with slow and steady referrals.
  10. Show yourself as a thought leader.

How you can Take Advantage of Social

Media Without all the Work

How can your prospects get to know you if you don’t interact with them? By allowing us to manage your social media marketing, all you have to do is approve the posts and we do the rest. We create a social media calendar with what we would post on your behalf and when. You simply approve it. We post and manage it for you. Of course any articles, video, quotes or messages from you would be welcome because the more personal the posts are, the better. However, if you don’t enjoy writing or don’t have the time to write, we will provide content for you. You approve the content and we see that it’s syndicated.

Social media posts encourage your connections to learn more by visiting your website. This type of engagement gets your intended audience interested in learning more, resulting in them contacting you directly.

Contact WEB AND CLOUD SERVICES Today for a Free Consultation

or for a Complementary Website Evaluation of your Current Website, please include your website URL.


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