(732) 766-2169

Differentiate yourself from your competition

Be customer focused


Prospects are looking for solutions to their needs and will be loyal to businesses that address those needs. Depending on what you provide as a business, your prospects will be looking for:


  • Competitive price

    • You must be in the ballpark of going prices for comparable products or services. People shop for price and are always looking for a deal or a discount. Offering coupons or having sale days for your mailing lists will keep customers coming back and will motivate prospects to visit your website.


  • Product quality

    • Customers don’t want the hassle of returning a product because the quality did not meet their expectations. Your business’ reputation is at stake. Be sure to offer the product lines you would be proud to own yourself. Stating this on your product descriptions and the reasons why you would buy it will build confidence.


  • Experience

    • If you are offering a service, whether it’s Counseling, Repairs, Legal, Accounting, etc., nothing will go farther than showcasing your experience. A medical degree will not convince a patient you are the best doctor to address their problem; but a doctor with years of experience and an accolade of successes as well as patient testimonial will certainly impress the person looking for the best medical treatment for their ailment.


  • Excellent customer service

    • Regardless what you offer, customer service is king. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think about how you would feel dealing with your company if you had an issue. Treat your customers as your best friends, don’t be defensive; address their concerns and show in your words and actions you understand their problem and will do whatever it takes to come to a satisfactory solution.


  • Timely turn-around solutions

    • Prospects and clients looking to address their needs want a solution now. Be sure to set expectations on your delivery timeline for your products or services. If you are shipping a product, provide a tracking number. If the product ends up back ordered, don’t wait for the buyer to contact you, be proactive and reach out explaining the situation and providing options. If you provide a service, offer a timeline for completion and keep the customer informed of your progress.  

Use these guidelines to convert prospects and customers to repeat clients!!!!

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