Online Marketing (PPC)

Online Marketing or PPC

Online Marketing or PPC (Pay Per Click) enhances SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to boost your website to the top of search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo!. SEO combined with PPC is powerful because when you engage in a PPC campaign your website will rise to the top of the search engine you’re doing the campaign with. This gives you the greatest visibility over the sea of competitors in your industry.

How Online Marketing Works

We help you develop a strategic marketing campaign taking into consideration

  • Your location
  • Your geographic radius
  • The terms people are searching for
  • Your chosen target audience

Once this is determined, we develop a target ad. When a visitor clicks on the ad link you are charged a small fee, deducted from the budgeted monthly amount.

The Long Term

Online marketing is not a quick fix or a one time campaign. Just like print advertising or advertising on any other media, there has to be a commitment to manage the campaign over the long term to be able to see benefits. What makes advertising work is the repetitive visibility; keeping your name visible enough so people begin to remember it. The difference with online marketing versus other advertising is the cost. Online advertising can be far less than print, radio, TV, or billboards which increases your return on investment.


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